Most Effective Forms of Treatment for Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic disease that causes the secretory glands to produce mucus and sweat that is thicker and saltier than most people. Instead of serving the purpose of lubricating organs and body cavities like normal watery mucus, thick mucus builds up in the lungs and blocks airways. The build-up of this mucus also encourages bacteria to form leaving the CF sufferer prone to respiratory and other infections.
Indoor air quality becomes important for two main reasons. The first reason lies in the fact that airways are physically blocked and each breath is a challenge. Every molecule of air matters. The second reason lies with the potential for infection, which happens frequently to those with cystic fibrosis based on what is already happening within their own bodies. Add in poor quality air into already weakened lungs and infections become even more frequent.
Treating Cystic Fibrosis
For many diseases and conditions, the best treatment is prevention. Unfortunately, this is rarely an option with Cystic Fibrosis. Normally, the parents of a CF child do not have the disease, but carry a recessive gene. Both parents need to carry this gene for a child to have CF.
Prevention normally only happens when the parents already have one child with CF and choose not to have more children. But like many diseases, Cystic Fibrosis can occur in varying levels of severity and a child might not show symptoms until they are older, possibly after they become an adult.
In addition to affecting lung function, the thick mucus formed due to CF can also block tubes in the pancreas which prevents digestive enzymes from reaching the small intestine where fats and proteins are broken down allowing for nutrient absorption. Because of this the person may become malnourished and may experience gas and constipation.
Cystic Fibrosis is treated in a number of ways including clearing the airway on a daily basis by taking inhaled medications and antibiotics. They may also take enzyme supplements in order to help with nutrient absorption. By taking these medications and supplements Cystic Fibrosis does not go away, but the symptoms become less intense and living with the chronic condition is easier. Exercise is also recommended in order to increase energy and oxygen levels
Top Treatments and Outcomes
Some types of cystic fibrosis can be treated with a medication that will thin the mucus and allow it to be coughed out, but it does not work for everyone. There are various ways people with cystic fibrosis clear their airways, and some need assistance from others in order to accomplish the clearing. Postural drainage percussion is one method where a person will sit, stand or lie in a position designed to free mucus from their lungs when their chest and back are pounded in order to shake the mucus loose.
Alternatively, a CF patient may wear a mechanical vest or the mucus can be shaken loose by blowing into a special device.
Many people with CF inhale their medications by using a nebulizer. These medications may be designed to thin mucus, or they may be antibiotics that treat chronic lung infection. A nebulizer will sometimes deliver more saline and are designed to bring water into the airways and make coughing easier.
Those who need frequent doses of medications may have a port implanted in order to make it easier to administer the drugs.
Good nutrition is also very important and more calories are needed for children to properly grow. In addition to increased calories, many with CF make a point to take in extra antioxidants visa supplements or extra fruits and vegetables. A healthy diet can also stave off conditions such as CF related diabetes, osteoporosis or osteopenia or at least lessen their effect. There is not a cure for cystic fibrosis, but the disease is being managed more effectively allowing more people to live longer than they have in the past.